How to respond to negative reviews

How to Respond to Negative Reviews like a Professional

Michelle Chia
May 29, 2024

Want to learn how to respond to negative reviews? Kudos to you because it’s really important. While negative reviews can deter potential customers, studies reveal that 45% of consumers are more likely to visit a business that actively addresses such feedback. The logic is straightforward: a business that responds to criticism demonstrates transparency and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Negative reviews on Google and other platforms can be tough to handle, especially for small business owners who pour their heart and soul into their work. These reviews can stir up strong emotions and make you feel exposed. 

However, it's important to remember that they are valuable feedback from customers and prospects. So, how do you respond to negative reviews professionally and effectively? This article will show you how to respond to negative reviews and help you come up with perfect responses each time. 

What You Need To Know About Negative Reviews

Negative reviews reflect the customer’s negative experience using your product or service. What you should know, though, is that these experiences are based on both direct interactions from using your product and indirect factors such as customer support, misrepresented Google Discovery ads, and external influences. 

So, while a negative customer experience may not be entirely your fault, you are still responsible for addressing and resolving these issues, as each negative review you receive can significantly impact your reputation. 

how to respond to negative reviews on google

Importance Of Responding To Negative Google Reviews

Google reviews are now the frontline for a business's reputation. Before customers patronize a business, they look it up on Google to see what other customers say about it. Handling these reviews, especially the negative ones, can significantly influence customer trust and satisfaction. You show customers that you value their feedback and are committed to improving service. This act alone can help rebuild trust and restore relationships with dissatisfied customers. 

Responding promptly to negative reviews also shows that a business is attentive and cares about its customers’ experiences, which can significantly elevate its image and encourage customer loyalty. By openly addressing and rectifying issues, businesses can turn a potentially harmful situation into a positive one by demonstrating accountability and willingness to change.

Also, when prospects see a company actively engaging with complaints and criticisms, it reassures them that the business is responsive and dedicated to customer satisfaction. This transparency can make potential customers feel safer about engaging with a business, knowing that any potential issues they might experience will be handled respectfully and effectively.

Responding to negative reviews can also give you the opportunity to identify real and perceived product or service shortcomings. For example, a technology company may notice recurring complaints about a specific feature in their software. 

By addressing these issues based on the feedback and updating their products accordingly, the company can not only resolve existing complaints but also enhance the user experience for future customers, ultimately leading to better market performance and reduced negative feedback.

The Impact Of Negative Reviews

Negative reviews can significantly impact a business’s online reputation and influence consumer behavior. Research shows that many potential customers actively avoid businesses with numerous negative reviews. 

For instance, a study found that approximately 94% of consumers say an online review has convinced them to avoid a business. This is because negative reviews can create a perception of poor service or low-quality products, making potential customers hesitant to engage with the business. Asides from that, negative reviews can lower a business's overall rating on platforms like Google, affecting its visibility and search ranking and reducing its potential customer base.

The Power Of Positive Responses

Responding positively to negative reviews can significantly mitigate their impact and transform a potentially negative situation into a marketing opportunity. When done right, it’ll demonstrate a business's commitment to customer satisfaction and can reassure the reviewer and potential customers that the business values feedback and is proactive about improving.

A customer who received a prompt apology and a refund or replacement for a defective product might update their review to reflect the positive service experience, in turn, improving the original negative perception. 

Prospective customers reading the responses will also appreciate the company's active engagement and feel more confident in their decision to patronize the business, knowing that any issues they encounter will be addressed courteously and efficiently.

Before You Respond: Take A Deep Breath And Gather Information

Negative reviews will likely make you emotional, so instead of replying first, take a breather and relax. Follow these steps to ensure that you’re responding to negative reviews correctly. 

Stay Calm And Composed

Manage your emotions when responding to negative reviews, as defensive or reactionary behaviors can escalate the situation further and harm your business's reputation. Before typing out your response, pause and take deep breaths to pacify yourself so you can approach the situation with a level-headed and professional attitude.

Understand The Complaint

Thoroughly understand the reviewer's concerns. Read through the review carefully, identifying the specific issues the customer faced. This understanding helps draft more targeted and relevant responses and demonstrates to customers that their feedback is being taken seriously.

Gather Context

In cases where the review mentions complex issues, you may need to investigate further. Contact relevant internal teams or consult your records to get a clearer picture of what might have gone wrong. This additional context can help you respond more accurately and offer genuinely helpful solutions to the customer.

How Do You Come Up With A Winning Response?

Now that you know what to do before responding to a negative review, let us show you how to respond to negative reviews on Google:

how to respond to negative reviews examples

Acknowledge The Customer's Frustration

First, acknowledge the customer’s disappointment and frustration. Do this regardless of who you think is right or wrong, and express empathy and understanding for their situation. This will show that you are attentive to their feelings and concerns.

Apologize Sincerely

A sincere apology is beyond the usual “we are sorry for the inconvenience…” Even if you believe the situation wasn't entirely within your control, apologize for the specific aspect of the service or product that did not meet their expectations, showing that you are committed to making things right, regardless of fault.

Focus On Solutions, Not Excuses

Imagine giving an excuse to a customer about a failed product rather than addressing the issue at hand. This is a prime example of how not to respond to negative reviews.

Rather than dwelling on the problem or attempting to justify the situation, focus on how you can solve it. Clearly outline the steps you will take to address the customer’s concerns and ensure such situations are avoided in the future. Offer specific remedies or compensations where applicable to demonstrate your proactive stance.

Take The Conversation Offline

If the matter is complex and requires detailed discussion, suggest taking the conversation to a private channel, such as email or phone. This approach can often lead to a more constructive resolution and helps keep the public interactions positive.

Maintain A Professional Tone Throughout

Always use courteous and professional language, even if the review is harsh or unfair. Maintaining a professional tone throughout your response helps reinforce your business's reputation as respectful and composed.

how to respond negative review

Understanding And Responding To Specific Scenarios

Some negative reviews are more complex, so you must respond to them carefully and cautiously. 

Factual Errors

If a review contains incorrect information, clarify it politely and provide any necessary evidence, like receipts or appointment records, to support your case without sounding confrontational.

Unrealistic Expectations

For reviews stemming from unrealistic expectations, calmly explain your policies or limitations. However, continue showing willingness to assist and provide possible alternatives to meet their needs.

Angry Or Abusive Language

If a review includes offensive language, it's appropriate to flag it for review by Google. Nevertheless, acknowledge the sentiment, strip away the hostile tone, and professionally offer help.

Fake Negative Reviews

Here’s how to respond to fake negative reviews. First, remain calm and professional, thanking the reviewer while politely correcting any false information. Encourage the reviewer to continue the conversation offline, demonstrating your commitment to resolving issues. 

Reiterate your dedication to customer satisfaction and, if necessary, report the review to the platform if it clearly violates guidelines. This approach helps maintain your reputation and shows potential customers your proactive customer service stance.

The Power Of Positive Responses To Customer Negative Reviews

Positive responses are to negative reviews, what extinguishers are to fire. You can win back frustrated customers and impress potential customers by responding positively to a negative review.

Win Back Frustrated Customers

Addressing concerns effectively can convert a negative review into a positive testimonial. A well-handled response can show commitment to service quality, potentially turning dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.

Impress Potential Customers

Potential customers often check for how a business handles negative reviews. A thoughtful and empathetic response can significantly boost their confidence in choosing your services, as it showcases your dedication to customer satisfaction.

Examples Of Responding To An Unsatisfactory Or Negative Google Review 

Now that we've explained the steps to follow to respond to negative Google reviews let’s see how that would work in a real-life scenario. 

Here’s a sample negative review of Spotify on Trustpilot, an independent review website:

To respond to this, first, acknowledge the customer's frustration. 

This customer’s frustration is the increasing amount they have to spend to get music streaming services, and they don't feel like they're getting value for their money. 

Once you have figured out the customer's frustration, the next thing you need to do is apologize sincerely and offer solutions such as exploring alternative subscription plans that better suit their usage habits.

So, a good response to this review would be: 

“We apologize for any frustration caused by the recent price increases. We understand your concerns and value your feedback. To address this, we offer various subscription options tailored to different usage habits, including a free tier that you can consider. You can also consider a family plan for 6 or a duo premium plan for 2. Thank you for choosing Spotify.”

For a shorter response, you could try

“We're sorry for the frustration from the price increase. Please explore our group plans—they're specially designed for your usage habit. Thanks for choosing Spotify!”

Bad Google Reviews And How To Remove Them?

While removing genuine negative reviews is challenging, you can encourage satisfied customers to share their positive experiences to balance the mix. However, for reviews that violate  platform guidelines, request removal through the appropriate channels for reviews that violate

What kind of review would Google consider violating the platform’s guidelines? Google typically flags reviews that contain hate speech, explicit content, personal attacks, spam, or fabricated content that violates its posting policies. So, for example, a review derogatory about an individual's ethnicity may be categorized as hate speech.


To manage negative reviews effectively, it’s crucial to understand how to respond appropriately. Avoid being defensive or dismissive so you don’t end up aggravating the situation further. Also, politely correct any inaccuracies by providing factual information and offering to discuss the matter offline to resolve misunderstandings. 

If the review is suspected to be fake, calmly state that no record of the reviewer's experience can be found, suggest that the issue be resolved offline, and consider reporting the review to Google. Acknowledge the customer’s concerns, apologize sincerely for their negative experience, and offer a solution or compensation if appropriate. 

By integrating these strategies, you can enhance your business reputation and customer relationships through effective and thoughtful engagement with your business online reviews.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Respond To Every Negative Review?

You should because responding to every negative review shows that you value feedback and are committed to improving customer satisfaction. It also demonstrates accountability and can often turn a negative experience into a positive one.

How Quickly Should I Respond To A Negative Review?

Try and respond as quickly as possible, ideally within 24 hours. Quick responses show that you are attentive and proactive about customer service, which can mitigate the impact of the negative review and reassure other customers.

What If The Negative Review Is Factually Incorrect?

When facing a factually incorrect negative review, it's important to respond politely and with tact. Begin by thanking the reviewer for their feedback, then carefully correct any factual errors with clear and concise information. Always ensure your tone is helpful and not confrontational. 

What If The Customer's Expectations Were Unrealistic?

If a customer's negative review stems from unrealistic expectations, first acknowledge their feelings to show empathy and validate their experience. Then, clearly and respectfully explain any misconceptions by outlining your business policies, product capabilities, or service limitations. This can help in setting more realistic expectations for future interactions.

How Can Negative Reviews Be Helpful?

Most negative reviews provide insight into areas where your business may need improvement. These reviews offer a chance to address issues, improve services, and communicate changes. This feedback can then be invaluable for continuous improvement.

Are There Tools To Help Manage Negative Reviews?

There are several tools and platforms like Google Alerts, Yelp, Trustpilot, and specialized software that help track and manage all your reviews. These tools can alert you to new reviews and streamline the response process.

Why Is Responding To Negative Reviews Important?

Responding to negative reviews is crucial for reputation management. It shows current and potential customers that you are committed to resolving issues and improving customer service. A thoughtful response can often change perceptions and retain customers.

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