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Google's New Policy: Deindexing Non-Mobile-Friendly Websites Starting July 5

Michelle Chia
June 5, 2024

Google's mobile-first indexing, introduced in 2016, is nearing its final phase. Starting from July 5, 2024, Google will complete the transition by exclusively using Googlebot Smartphone for crawling and indexing websites. This marks a significant development in Google's approach to indexing, emphasizing the importance of mobile accessibility for all websites.

This change is set to impact how businesses approach website design and SEO strategy. As more users gravitate towards mobile browsing, the imperative for companies to adapt has never been more crucial.

Understanding the Change

Google has always emphasized the importance of enhancing user experience, and this latest update is a testament to that commitment. With an increasing number of users accessing the internet via mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website is no longer optional but a necessity.

What Does Being Mobile-Friendly Mean?

A mobile-friendly website is one that is easily accessible and navigable on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. This includes:

  • Responsive website design that adjusts to the size of the device's screen
  • Text that is readable without needing to zoom
  • Adequate space for tap targets, making it easy to interact with
  • Fast loading times

The Importance of Being Mobile-Friendly

Being mobile-friendly is no longer just an option—it's a necessity. Here's why:

  • Increased Mobile Usage: The majority of internet users now access the web via mobile devices. If your site isn't optimized for these users, you're potentially alienating more than half of your audience.
  • Google’s Indexing Policies: With mobile-first indexing, Google evaluates your mobile site's content, user experience, and performance for its indexing and ranking processes.
  • User Experience: Mobile users expect quick, easy-to-navigate websites. A poor mobile experience can increase bounce rates and reduce overall engagement and conversions.
mobile optimization website

The Impact on Your Business

SEO Implications

For businesses, the implications of not having a mobile-friendly website are severe. Without compliance, you risk losing significant visibility in Google's search results. Here’s how a lack of mobile optimization can impact your SEO:

  • Decreased Traffic: If your site is deindexed, it won't appear in search results, leading to a drastic drop in organic traffic.
  • Poor User Experience: A non-optimized mobile site can frustrate mobile users, increasing bounce rates and negatively impacting your SEO.
  • Lower Conversion Rates: Difficulty in navigating a non-mobile-friendly site can lead to lower conversion rates from mobile users.

Don't Let Your Guard Down

It’s crucial for businesses to continuously monitor and update their websites. Regular audits can help ensure that your site remains compliant with Google’s guidelines and provides a good user experience. Ignoring this update could result in your site falling behind competitors who are optimizing their mobile presence.

Steps to Optimize Your Website for Mobile

1. Responsive Design

Invest in responsive design that fluidly changes and responds to fit any screen or device size. This is not only favored by Google but also by users who expect a seamless browsing experience across all devices.

2. Improve Site Speed

Mobile users expect quick access to information. Enhancing your site’s load time is crucial for keeping their attention and reducing bounce rates. Tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights can provide insights and recommendations for speeding up your site.

3. Simplify Design and Content

Simplifying your website’s design and content can greatly improve the mobile user experience. Ensure that important information is not buried and that navigation is intuitive and straightforward.

4. Use Large, Easy-to-Read Fonts

The text on your website should be easy to read on small screens without the need to zoom. This not only aids readability but also contributes to the overall user experience.

5. Ensure Accessibility

Accessibility is crucial, not just for SEO but for inclusivity. Ensure that all features and content on your site are accessible to users with disabilities.

Testing Your Site

Google provides tools such as the Search Console URL Inspection tool to help you analyze your site’s mobile usability. Regular testing ensures that your site remains compliant with Google’s mobile-first criteria and identifies areas that need improvement.


As Google sets to enforce its new rule on July 5, the message is clear: the future is mobile. Businesses must adapt swiftly to maintain their online visibility and competitiveness. This involves not just making your website mobile-friendly, but also ensuring it provides a fast, intuitive, and enjoyable experience to all users. Keeping up with SEO is not just about adhering to best practices, but also about embracing these shifts and using them to your advantage.

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