Best time to post on youtube

Ultimate Guide to Best Times to Post on YouTube for Maximum Views

Michelle Chia
May 2, 2024

Cracking the code on when to post your YouTube Videos and Shorts can be the difference between a viral hit and crickets. While there are general trends for knowing the best time to post on YouTube, the true magic lies in understanding your specific audience. In this guide, we'll explore the best time to post on YouTube and how to time your Shorts effectively by analyzing audience behavior and engagement.

The YouTube Algorithm: What You Need to Know

Ever feel like your videos get lost in the crowd on YouTube? Don't worry, it happens to the best of us! To get your videos noticed, you need to understand how YouTube decides which ones get shown the most. It's like a giant spotlight that picks out interesting videos for people to watch.

Here's what the YouTube algorithm likes:

  • Videos people actually watch all the way through: The longer viewers stick around for your video, the brighter the spotlight shines on it. This means your video must be entertaining or informative enough to keep people hooked.
  • Videos that get people talking: If viewers are liking, commenting on, and sharing your video, it's like a big cheer in the audience. YouTube loves videos that create a buzz.
  • Videos that hold attention: If viewers click away quickly, it's like they're walking out on your performance. The algorithm sees this as a reason not to spread your videos.

5 Factors To Remember When Posting YouTube Videos And Shorts

In this section, we explore key considerations that can help you understand the best time to post on YouTube:

best time to post youtube videos

1. Target Audience

Start by profiling your viewers. Who are they? Young gamers, busy professionals, or another distinct group? Analyze their online behaviors to understand when they're most likely to be on YouTube. Are they scrolling late at night on weekends, or are they looking for content right after school or work? By identifying these patterns, you can optimize your posting times to catch them right when they're most eager for new content.

2. Content Type

Tailor your posting strategy based on what you're sharing. For instance:

  • Trending Topics: If your content revolves around hot, trending topics, the best time to post is as soon as possible. Catching the wave early can boost your visibility and engagement.
  • Entertainment and Humor: For lighter, more entertaining Shorts, consider posting during evenings and weekends when your audience is in a more relaxed mindset and likely in the mood for entertainment.
  • Educational Content: If your Shorts are educational or informative, posting on weekdays might work best. This is when people are in a learning mode, perhaps looking for content that either enhances their skills or provides useful information during breaks in their work or school day.

Each approach emphasizes adapting to your audience’s preferences and typical online activities.

3. Competition & Industry Trends

Keeping an eye on the competition and broader industry trends can significantly influence your posting strategy. Observing when successful channels in your niche release their YouTube Shorts can provide valuable benchmarks for the best time to post on YouTube. For example, if you notice a pattern that top gaming channels frequently post in the late afternoon, it might be worth aligning your schedule to similar times.

Utilizing social media listening tools can further enhance your strategy. These tools help track when topics related to your content peak in engagement across different platforms. 

This allows you to time your posts not only based on when your audience is online but also when they are most engaged with similar content. This targeted approach ensures that your Shorts are more likely to be seen and interacted with during high-activity periods within your niche.

4. Experimentation & Analytics

To really fine-tune your posting strategy, engaging in experimentation coupled with diligent analytics is key. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Track Performance: Use YouTube Analytics to monitor how your Shorts perform. This includes detailed metrics on views, likes, comments, and shares. Pay close attention to the times your most successful videos were posted. These metrics can reveal patterns that may not be immediately obvious but are critical in determining the most effective times for posting.
  • A/B Testing: Implement A/B testing by posting similar content at different times or on different days. This method allows you to compare which variables are most effective in engaging your audience. For instance, you might post one Short in the morning and another similar one in the evening to see which time slot garners more engagement.
  • Iterative Adjustments: Based on the results from your analytics and A/B tests, make informed adjustments to your posting schedule. If you find that posting on Tuesday evenings leads to better engagement than on Friday mornings, tweak your strategy to exploit these insights.

5. Consistency

Once you've identified a posting schedule that resonates with your audience, maintaining consistency is crucial. Consistency not only helps in building a loyal audience but also trains your viewers to expect new content at specific times, which can increase viewership and engagement rates. 

Set a regular posting schedule based on the insights gained from your analysis, and stick to it as closely as possible. This could be daily, several times a week, or even weekly, depending on your capacity to produce content and your audience’s appetite for it.

The "Golden Hours" For YouTube Videos and Shorts

Determining the best times to post on YouTube requires a blend of understanding your audience's habits, leveraging analytics, and observing industry trends. While "golden hours" can vary widely depending on your specific audience and niche, some general patterns have been noted:

when is the best time to post on youtube

Best Times For Weekdays

For weekdays, engagement patterns can vary, but some specific times tend to work better across various demographics:

  • Lunchtime (12 PM - 3 PM): People often check their phones and social media during lunch breaks, making it a prime time to catch their attention.
  • Evenings (7 PM - 10 PM): After work or school, people are more likely to unwind with their devices, making this an optimal time to post content that can capture and engage viewers.

These times are especially effective on Monday and Tuesday, as these days are typically when digital engagement can be higher, with audiences looking to catch up on content from the weekend.

Best Times For Weekends

Weekend viewing habits can differ significantly from weekdays. Here are some insights:

  • Friday Afternoons (3 PM - 4 PM): As people wind down their week, they may begin to engage more with social media. Posting during this time can catch viewers as they start their weekend.
  • Late Mornings (10 AM - 12 PM): During weekends, people tend to start their day later. Posting in the late morning can capture viewers as they relax and scroll through social media.

While engagement may generally be lower on weekends, these times can still provide significant visibility if your content is tailored to weekend activities or relaxation themes.

The "golden hours" for posting YouTube Shorts are strategically chosen based on typical daily routines and user behaviors. 

During lunchtime (12 PM - 3 PM) and evenings (7 PM - 10 PM) on weekdays, people often check their phones during breaks or unwind after work, making them receptive to engaging with new content. 

Similarly, posting during late mornings and Friday afternoons on weekends captures audiences when they are more relaxed and likely to enjoy leisurely browsing. 

These times maximize visibility and engagement by aligning your content with the high-activity periods of your audience, effectively leveraging their natural usage patterns for optimal impact.

Beyond The Clock: Additional Timing Strategies

While it's good to follow recommended posting times, other factors can make your YouTube Shorts and Videos even more timely. For example, matching your content with holidays and seasonal trends can really boost engagement.

If you post travel-related content just before summer or big holidays, you catch viewers when they're thinking about vacation plans, making your videos more relevant and engaging. 

Also, sharing content related to current news or hot trends at the right moment can make your Shorts and Videos  part of the buzz when more people are paying attention, potentially increasing your visibility.

When To Post On YouTube (And When Not To)

Understanding your audience's behavior and leveraging analytics tools are key to determining the best times to post YouTube Videos and Shorts. Insights into peak traffic times, particularly on weekdays—Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during late afternoons or early evenings—are valuable as these periods typically align with high user activity, leading to greater viewer engagement. Keeping an eye on competitors' posting schedules can also provide useful benchmarks and help identify strategic timing opportunities that you might not have considered.

Experimenting with different posting times while monitoring the results is essential to uncovering unique viewer preferences and optimizing your content strategy for the YouTube algorithm. Creators are generally advised to avoid new uploads on weekends and Mondays, when viewer activity tends to decrease, leading to lower engagement and visibility for new content. 

Conclusion And FAQs

Timing plays a huge role in the success of YouTube content. Posting when your audience is most likely to be online can really help your videos get noticed and interacted with. To keep your content fresh and engaging, it’s important for creators to keep testing different times for posting and to adjust their strategies based on what their viewers like.

Here are some straightforward tips:

  • Keep trying new things: Test different times to post your videos and see which get the most views and interactions.
  • Be flexible: Pay attention to how viewer habits might change with the seasons or during different events, and adapt your posting schedule accordingly.
  • Check the data: Use the analytics tools YouTube offers to see how your videos are doing and plan your future posts based on what you learn.
  • Watch what others are doing: Look at when other creators in your niche are posting and how well their videos are performing. This can give you some good ideas on what might work for you.

Finding the best time to post content on YouTube can be a mix of being creative and using data wisely. By focusing on these simple approaches, creators can better connect with their audience and make the most out of their YouTube content. 

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Is there a best time to post YouTube Shorts?

There isn't a one-size-fits-all best time to post YouTube Shorts; the best time to post YouTube videos varies based on your audience's habits. Experiment with different times and use analytics to find what works best for your viewers.

How do I get more views on YouTube Videos and Shorts?

To get more views on YouTube videos and Shorts, you should create engaging, high-quality content targeted at your audience. Also, try optimizing video titles and descriptions with keywords and promote your videos across social media and other platforms.

When Should You Post YouTube Shorts?

You should post YouTube Shorts when your audience is most active online. Check your channel's analytics to see when your viewers are usually watching, and test different posting schedules to find the most effective times.

Do you need to post on YouTube often?

Posting frequently on YouTube can help you maintain viewer interest and improve your channel’s visibility. Consistency is key, so set a realistic schedule that you can adhere to and keep your audience expecting new content.

Does YouTube play a significant role in marketing?

YouTube plays a significant role in marketing as it allows brands to reach vast audiences globally. Its rich video content and wide reach make it an effective tool for brand promotion, customer engagement, and increasing visibility.

Why are my shorts not getting views?

Your Shorts may not be getting views due to high competition, lack of optimization for search, or not resonating with your audience. Ensure your content is engaging, uses relevant keywords, and is promoted effectively to increase its visibility.

What Is The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts On Saturday?

The best time to post YouTube Shorts on Saturday is typically in the morning between 9 AM and 11 AM. People are often relaxing, browsing their phones, and catching up on social media during weekend mornings.

What Is The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts On Sunday?

Similar to Saturday, posting in the morning between 9 AM and 11 AM is effective. Additionally, early evening, around 5 PM to 7 PM, can also work well as people wind down their weekend and prepare for the week ahead.

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